Friday, February 1, 2013


This semester is my LAST and FINAL semester of college...EVER. Excited? YES! Nervous? YES! There are lots of emotions I have this semester, but the one that really stands out is happy. I'm happy because I am finishing college in 4 years.

Right now I'm focusing on finding an internship in the Kansas City Area. I sent in my resume to a company where I would really like to work at. My cousin's wife works there and she is helping me get that internship. Another company, Boelte Hall is interviewing GIT students and I feel like I should at least practice interviewing.

All this growing up stuff is so surreal. When I think, in 4 months, I'll be graduating PSU and working FULL-TIME...Wish me luck everyone!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Moving on..

"Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never knew."

Heart breaks are hard. Heart breaks break your heart, but that doesn't mean that you need to give up on love. Love yourself. Love your family. Love your friends who surround you the most. Love is always in your heart. It may not be towards anyone special, but it surrounds you with the people who care.

DON'T GIVE UP. Don't give up on yourself. You have to fight through some bad days to have the best days of your life. You will get through it though. Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess, just breathe, and have faith that everything will work out for the best.

All I need in my life are my best friends to be by my side.

Monday, May 21, 2012

The week after finals

Finals are completely over with! I really only had 1 actual test and my other classes were presentations of projects that I have done. Overall, my GPA for this semester was a 3.6! Ahhhh, definitely very proud of myself. Also last weekend was graduation for Pitt State. Dave(my boyfriend) graduated Friday at 5:30, Carissa(step-sister) graduated Friday at 8, and Kasey(best friend) graduated Saturday at 11am. Congrats to you all! I had such a very busy weekend. Saturday after my last graduation to go to, my mom and I drove back to Olathe to attend Lindsay Bruner's graduation party. I had a great time because I got to see some of my best friends from high school.

For Mother's Day, my mom, brother, and I went to Ottawa to play golf. I am the worst golfer, but slowly getting better. It's fun to drive the golf cart! After we finished, we drove to Lawrence to have some lunch. We ate at Paisanos? Not sure how you spell it or remember what it was called, but it was DELICIOUS! I must go back there again. Since it was a Sunday, I had to head back to Pittsburg because I would start work at 8am. During the rest of the week, I basically worked, 9:00am-4:30pm, M-F. After work, I started moving items over to my new house where I would share it with Jordan Dickey, and my step sister, Carissa Hughes. The big day though is May 19th. Can't wait to start living in a new atmosphere with new people.

Moving Day!
My mom, Darrel, Dave, and his friend Matt came to help me move. All I had were the heavy items such as my bed, dresser, desk, couch, etc. They arrived around 10am an we got busy. Surprisingly we ended around 11. It only took an hour! We ordered pizza and had some cold beverages. They left to leave me with unpacking my room and setting it up.

Up Next: Memorial Weekend! Which I will be spending it with Dave and his family/friends.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Digital File Preparation I thought was going to be a hard class at first. I was almost scared of the teacher. When she started explaining about the blogs and the grade sheets, and the master image list, I thought I was going to go crazy this semester.  We started our first project, self notepad, and I learned a lot. I learned that you should illustrate in illustrator and fix photos in PhotoShop, then bring them all in InDesign. This was kind of a pain though. I also learned not to forget to fill out the copyright information!

Over the semester, this course had me designing what I wanted to design. That is what I really liked about the class, being able to express your own work. The class was a great experience for me.

What I didn't like about the course were the blogs twice a week. I would suggest a blog being due once a week, but just have more criteria for them. I feel like that's less grading for my teacher! We put in so much work with our projects that the blogs can be overwhelming. Another suggestion is maybe have blogs due at the end of the week or on a Sunday night by a certain time. I'm not saying I disliked the blogs because I actually got a lot out of them. I learned a lot of information having to look up answers and sourcing.

My favorite Project was the magazine ad and billboard. I'm glad that my teacher combined both of them. I liked this project because you really had to think how you were going to design the ad to where your target audience would not just skip past it when reading the magazine. For the billboard, I had to understand what people would look for when driving past a billboard ad.

Overall, I feel proud of the projects I designed. There may be a few items I would change on some though.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Adobe Tutorial

How to make a photo grayscale in PhotoShop

Step 1: Open photo in PhotoShop
Step 2: Go to image on options bar
Step 3: Click mode
Step 4: Click Grayscale, a box will appear, click discard.
Step 5: Your photo is now in black and white.

Before and after

Then after you convert your photo to grayscale, you can then change it into a duotone.
Here is a tutorial:

Job Analysis 3

Husqvana is looking for a full-time, experienced, graphic designer. The candidate must be responsible for creating graphic material to communicate Husqvarna Construction Products’ brand and product to the market. This position is critical for developing and maintaining Husqvarna’s image to the public through graphic design. the candidate must have a bachelor's degree. The responsibilities the candidate must hold are 80% of graphics design, this includes creating marketing communication materials, design product labeling and packaging, and designing trade show presence. 10% project manager, this includes, managing design, production, distribution and storage of catalogs, brochures and flyers, and all graphic design projects. And 10% communication management. The career level is listed as experience, but not manager.

Source: Web. April 24, 2012.

Lawsuit Article

This is a review about a lawsuit pertaining to a brand.

A Lawsuit was filed by Florida residents brought against Publix, Target, Walgreens, and Aldi's for selling honey with false labeling. Each brand's honey is agaisnt the Florida policy, "honey standard of identity," which requires that no pollen be removed "except where unavoidable in the removal of foreign matter," such as bug parts, wax and debris. The lawsuits states that the companies filter their branded honey, so all pollen is removed unneccassarily.Residents want pollen, in honey, because it is healthy and the lawsuits also state that it is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals, and can be traced geographically. 

           Walgreens Honey                        Target's Honey      

Source:" Lawsuits Against Honey Retailers for Mislabeling." Web.