Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Newpaper Ad Project

These are my 5 thumbnails!

These are my 2 roughs!

Here is my final product.

Summary of the project
The purpose of this project is to understand how to create an ad for a newspaper. On my 2 roughs, I have listed the location, phone, website, and hours open. My target audience are women who love shoes starting with the age of 16 and up. For the project there will be no bleed. My dimensions will be a 6 x 4, but for InDesign the dimensions will be 11.63 x 4. It is different because of the formula you use. You take the number of columns width times any height you want. Take that number by $4 and that will be your total cost. The total cost for my project would be $96.

My Master Image List descriptions

A bitmap is also known as an image format to store digital images. On images when you zoom in close, you see bits of pixels, which defines what a bitmap is shown on images. Some examples are shown to the left. Bitmap images can contain a number of colors, but here are the four main categories. Multitones, grayscale, line art, and full color iamges. JPEG, GIf, TIFF, EPS, PDF, and BMP are file format examples.
Vector Art is an image with mathematical definitions. This means that the image you are using had been draw with lines to be created. This can happen in Illustrator.                                     
To the right is an example of a vector image. EPS and PDF's are file formats mainly used for vector graphics. Vector is art is used to design mainly logos because you can scale the image without losing any quality. Vector images and Bitmap images are related in way because if the vector image is used for the web, it must be saved as a Bitmap. When drawing a vector image, a reverse can be done. A reverse is the opposite of your original. For example, the color black reverses into white, orange reverses into purple, and so on. To reverse a color, simply use the invert adjustment layer. Below are some examples.

Grayscale raster is the easiest to wok with. They can be saved as Illustrator or a Photoshop file. Grayscale uses white, black and gray as their colors. Grayscale raster can also be named as halftones. An example is a QR code. A QR code must be designed in Photoshop before placed in InDesign with the colors of black and white.
Dutone raster images are performed in Photoshop. Duotone means two colors. In Photoshop, to have an image become duotone, you use black plus one pantone color. Below is an example.

 Silhouette raster is used when you want to print only the outline or just black and white of your image.It is used in Photoshop. To create outlines, use clipping path. Then you can open up in InDesign, which will show only the part of the image you wanted.
Below is an example of a silhouette raster.
Full bleed raster means the image you use should expand over the length of the page to hit the bleed. The bleed should be .125, so always make sure you are setting your image size to hit the bleed. It also does not have to be an image. It can bet a solid color rectangle.
Four color raster is an image in Photoshop with CMYK colors. CMYK stands for cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black). Colored images you see today are full color raster images. A full color raster from Photoshop will be saved as EPS. A screen tint is a screen pattern that consists of dots that are all the same size and create an even tone. Screen tint is used for shading and tinting. 

" Bitmap versus vector grpahics." Web. http://www.prepressure.com/library/file-formats/bitmap-versus-vector. 2011. February 27, 2012.

"Printing Tips." Web. 2012 http://www.printingtips.com/email-term/t--2080/screen-tint.asp. February 28, 2012.